Monday, October 7, 2013


I am feeling a new look to my blog today and the past few days but....Blogger is being gay and not allowing me to do so...I'm kinda irritated!!  So MEH to it and I guess I'll keep trying.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Well since I haven't posted in a while....why not update.  Graison and I are currently in Dillon Montana visiting Sheydens family. We recently were in Billings Montana visiting my family and also were in my dads wedding. Sheyden is in an undisclosed location on the otherside of the world and I do know where but it's confidential so nobody is allowed to know. I just finished my first class of college and passed with a 97 I'm pretty proud of myself and look forward to keeping up the high grades with other courses. I'm going to be starting two classes each 5 weeks so it's gonna get pretty intense! I am here in Dillon until after Thanksgiving and then Billings bound again for Christmas! I am gonna be sad that Sheyden won't physically be here but it's all for bettering our lives financially and with eachother, showing ourselves where we need to be strong and pass through this little test and adventure! Well here's some pics and until next time...…