It's Easter! Since our St. Patrick's Day post we, from what it feels like, haven't done reality I like to think we have. For one we have finished up the rest of the unpacking and organizing and had a housewarming bbq for all of our new friends to come and hang out for a night. That went suprisingly well and the clean up only took a few hours of pick up and initially was like one hour but we decided to just deep clean that day since nothing else was happening.
We went to church the following day (so this past Sunday) and stayed for all of it!!! We shocked ourselves by doing that, we mostly just stick to sacrament...but this time we thought Graison would like to hang out in nursery and meet some new friends plus it just really felt comforting and right. I love going to church even just for a little bit like sacrament because I feel like a load has been lifted and my spirits are up and refreshed for a new week. Sheyden signed up for a ping pong tournament they have going on and also found out that each Saturday morning some elders get together to play soccer. I would like to think Sheyden is already pumped up about this Ward but I can't read his mind and he currently isn't in the same room as I type! So we will never know...maybe in the future we will!
I have finally started doing my family history and I feel amazing about it. There's so much to learn and part of it has been done by another family member so atleast I don't have to worry about one third of my history. I have a lot of work to do on my Sakahara side, and just some mild digging on my biological side. I sat down and emailed a few family members about how to do adoptive and biological trees and finally got on the phone with Sheydens grandma Nancy to figure it out...we finally did so that will make the load a lot lighter. I am very excited to learn my biological fathers history so I know where I come from...but I'm even more ecstatic to learn my adoptive fathers side ontop of it. I just love history and I love my family so it's the perfect combo!!! I hope as far as the digging goes in the Sakahara side that it won't be too hard they're japanese and I'm living in a part of Japan haha! I definitely need to assign a period of my day to do it though, mainly because I have school to do as well as being a mom but I don't want everything to overwhelm me. I like the fact that I will have things other than household work and parenting to do on my "rainy days" in the home...even if there's no rain outside.
So Easter is all about Jesus and the sacrifice he made for all of us. It's a day to remember the atonement and why he died on that cross. He did it so that we can be washed clean from our sins and this is why we have repentance! I can only imagine the pain and suffering he went through for all of us, and I am thankful that we have a brother who would step up to the plate and do something like that for us. It's all part of the plan and we need to remember what that plan is and do what we need to to be with our Heavenly Father, Jesus and our deceased family once again. I know I sure want to be seeing my loved ones again, especially our children and I hope to give unto them the knowledge of this!
On the other side of Easter there is this being we call the Easter bunny! All week we have been preparing Graison for his Easter bunny visit. Thursday evening we dyed us some eggs, and it was his first time doing so. He was pretty amped up about them and kept wanting to take the cups! Good thing I did the mom thing and took control or dye would've been everywhere. We didn't buy the kit, we had all the ingredients in the cupboard to make our dyes. We even brought the white crayon out and designed a few, Graison wanted a dinosaur so momma tried her hardest and it turned out good!
Friday, we had WIC appointment and a mommy appointment so it was a teeny bitcbusy...nonetheless we were able to spend the rest of the day relaxing with daddy! Cowen has been on one so we've been pretty tired ontop of our daily activities. I could only tell once a tooth was there with Graison but I feel like that is why Cowen has been a grouch lately.
Saturday, we took Graison to an Easter egg hunt on base and that was pretty crazy. He didn't get a bunch from that but we threw one for him and his buddy and I think it was way better for those excited little boys. He definitely got a haul from the family egg hunt for sure! Next year should even be better as I'm sure he'll have more buddies and his friend we invited has some too! I'm just going to be sure I ask for the plastic eggs back so I will still have a bunch to do more egg hunts in the future.
Sunday, the Easter bunny left the boys some baskets and we went to church. We made stir fry for dinner because we were out of propane for steaks and they didn't have any more at the gas station. We were 15 minutes too late! But the stir fry was just as tasty! Well that is our Easter this year enjoy some pictures!!
Our egg hunt
Looking for the Easter bunny
Our egg dye